

Statue of the teaching Hippocrates on Kos; (c) Photo taken by Joerg Frochte

During my term of office as Vice President of the Bochum University of Applied Sciences the number of courses are reduced. I still lecture the following courses
Undergraduate Courses:

Graduate Courses:

  • Applied Artificial Intelligence (master course in the summer semester)

PhD and Research Seminar:

For further information e.g. seminar paper see the German website of the work group.

Thesis Topics

I accepted and appreciate thesis topics in my field of interest like Machine Learning and Data Mining. Beyond this related topics from data visualization and mathematics are welcome.

Software used for Teaching and/or Research

  • Python 3.x with
    • NumPy
    • Scipy
    • Matplotlib
    • Pandas
    • Tensorflow / Keras
    • OpenAI
    • Kivy
  • Open Modelica
  • GNU Octave or MATLAB
  • C/C++

Old Courses:

Beyond this there are some old or related courses I have been involved in during the last years, e.g. as a substitute for a collgegue on research sabbatical: